| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Arty Pie Party Success!

Great Turnout!

For the past several years members in Scott County have hosted an art and dessert auction known as the Arty Pie Party! This years event was another rousing success, with over 50 pieces of art or baked goods being up for auction.

The patrons of the Scott County Arty Pie Party have been incredibly generous, with local artists donating original pieces, members donating works they have collected over the years, delicious baked goods, and originals by well known Kentucky artists. Every year this event is the chapter’s fundraiser, and this one did not disappoint!

While the event raised over $3,000 with it’s accompanying powerbuilder page, generated several new members, and featured fantastic music from local performers (primarily from Shanghai Express), the real highlight were members who shared their story.

John Henkel spoke about the ongoing work around passing a fairness ordinance, lead by Georgetown Fairness, and the importance of our work to inform voters about the campaign before the next election.

John was followed by Kaelyn Payton, who shared her experiences as an African American high school student in Scott County, and used it to talk about the need for more open discussion about race. Sharing experiences from school and in the community, she is reaching out to folks to plan Georgetown Justice Speaks to share experiences and perspectives with the larger community.

Rosanne Klarer, who has always been the lynchpin of the success of the event, followed this by talking about the need to protect public pensions. Rosanne is a retired special education teacher in Scott County, who has been a leader in KFTC for over a decade.

Following these stories Rosanne and Robert Tincher lead the crowd in singing This Land is Your Land and Deportee while members passed the hat for memberships and renewals.

The event was a great culmination in a year’s work of organizing in the chapter, and looking forward to what next year will hold. From pensions, to fairness, to racial justice, to landfills, and local water concerns, there has been a lot of movement in the issues the chapter cares about. As always, there is more work to do, and the Scott County chapter is ready to do it.
