Ashley Judd's Q & A session on MTR | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Ashley Judd's Q & A session on MTR

Yesterday the website Daily Kos and the Sierra Club hosted a live chat with Ashley Judd about mountaintop removal mining and its impact on Appalachian communities.   Apparently a huge number of people participated in the chat.  From the Sierra Club:

According to Kos, the 1-hour live chat got over a million page views from about 90,000 unique visitors - more than the audience of many cable TV shows. Around 200 people participated directly in the live chat, leaving nearly 400 comments.

One thing interesting thing to come out of the discussion, is the possibility that Oprah might be interested in doing a piece about mountaintop removal.  As one of the most influential media figures in the U.S., she could drive millions of people to learn more about the destruction of the Appalachian mountains.  Hopefully this new national attention will help push our new Congress to do the right thing and finally pass the Clean Water Protection Act.

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