| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Banner Fork Residents Want More Help From Local Officials

After a "special called meeting" of the Harlan County Fiscal Court on Thursday, residents of Wallins Creek are feeling disappointed by county officials' recent decision about the maintenance of their road.  At this meeting, the County fiscal court signed an agreement with U.S. Coal Corporation permitting the company to "perform all work necessary for the maintenance of the county-owned Bannerfork Road,â€ in the community of Wallins Creek.  So, the county will no longer have to address the issues of this community.wallins road

This comes as quite a shock since Harlan Chapter members of Wallins have been avidly communicating with local officials and media about the severe situation of Wallins and the need for more maintenance.  

KFTC member Jack Ball describes the community in January of this year, "The upper road has caved in and had to be graveled. What once was paved and decent isn’t fit to run a car on.  The mud is unbearable and nothing is being done to control it.  The main road leading from the hollow is mud covered, and it is impossible to keep a vehicle clean.  The trucks are running daily now. There is no peace or quiet around the house until it's dark.â€

It seems county officials have decided to not address residents' concerns, which include dust, mud, unsafe driving conditions, noise, property damage due to blasting, and community unrest. Judge-Executive Joe Grieshop said of the agreement, "It’s something new, but it helps us on our budget.â€

Jack is extremely concerned about the state of his community and how it may worsen due to this agreement.

wallins bridge


"This is very disheartening news to me. I've been leaving the house really early in the morning. I just can't stand being heranymore.  I really hate dirty Harlan politics, especially when the residents have to suffer for it." -Jack Ball, Banner Fork, Wallins


The Harlan Chapter is still developing a plan of action and ways the greater KFTC family can support Wallins residents.  In the meantime, please share the story of Banner Fork and stay tuned for next steps.

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