Become part of the New Power Roar! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Become part of the New Power Roar!

Are you ready for a Kentucky where new energy jobs and clean, affordable energy are a high priority? Where healthy people and communities matter more than profits or political gain? Where government is seen for the positive role it can have in making our lives better rather than seen as the enemy?

If so, then you're ready for New Power!

letter photo

Today in Kentucky, we have the best chance we've had in generations to create this reality. But we need many voices to help KFTC lift up this New Power vision. As candidates argue over who loves coal the most and attack rather than offer solutions, we want to offer something different. We need your help to do that.

We're proposing a simple but effective way to keep the New Power vision in front of candidates, elected officials, and the public – a Letters to the Editor Network that will generate at least 150 New Power letters to newspapers around the state this fall.

Will you agree to write one or more letters to the editor this fall and submit them to local, statewide and sometimes national newspapers?

Click here to sign up

Once you sign up, KFTC will email periodic suggestions for you to submit a letter to the editor. We'll let you know when papers run articles that demand a response, or when candidates say something that lifts up the New Power vision or reinforces old power politics. We'll make suggestions on where to send the letters, and provide tips for writing effective letters. Sometimes we'll need rapid responses.

This letter writing campaign is a way we can all be involved in showing people across the state there are better options and we expect more from our political leadership. It's a way that our individual voices can become a loud, effective roar.

Click here to sign up




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