| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Big Week Ahead in Scott County

Tim KlarerWe have a huge week ahead in Scott County with lots of voter mobilization events, so if you're in the area, come on out!

Tonight - Monday, Oct 29th - Scott County Voter Mobilization Phone bank - 6:30pm at the Meeting House at Georgetown College.  We'll call Georgetown residents to make sure they're all set to vote, along with our local NAACP allies.  

Tuesday, Oct 30th  - Thriller Zombie event in Georgetown 7pm down town o Main Street.  If we can, let's gather in front of the Lock and Key at 6:30pm and again at 7pm.  We'll pass out zombie-themed handbills encouraging people to vote. (Rain date is Oct 31st).

Thursday, Nov 1st at 5:30pm - Recycling Committee meeting at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers. 

Thursday, Nov 1st  Scott County KFTC Meeting.  7pm at the Georgetown Public Library. 

Monday, Nov 5th - Scott County Voter Mobilization Phone bank - 6:30pm at the Meeting House at Georgetown College.  We'll call Georgetown residents to make sure they're all set to vote, along with our local NAACP allies.  

Tuesday, Nov 6th - General Election.  Polls open 6am to 6pm.  www.KentuckyElection.org

Saturday, Nov 17th - Annual Arty Pie Party 7:30pm.  Save the date!


Also, please share this link widely with friends in Scott County to help inform their votes for Georgetown City Council and other offices. - www.kentuckyelection.org/georgetown/

We're also mailed thousands of copies of the print voter guide in Georgetown and have hundreds more available to pass out at events in these last 9 days until the election.  If you'd like a stack, please contact Dave Newton at 859-420-8919 or [email protected]

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