Bluegrass - Green Earth Concert | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Bluegrass - Green Earth Concert

TheDame KFTC members and  allies in Lexington had a tremendous Bluegrass-Green Earth concert at The Dame downtown which brought out over 200 people over the course of the night to have fun and learn about important environmental issues, and get involved.  The event was co-sponsored by KFTC, but also the Sierra Club, Change for Kentucky, and

DameJPG    The broad context of the event was to create a Lexington arm of the international Live Earth Concert happening on all continents and for 24-straight hours that day.  Live Earth focuses on raising awareness of Global Warning, but KFTC members took the opportunity to talk to people about Coal-to-Liquid and the increased carbon emissions it would produce and how this would hasten global warming. 

   We also passed out 150 Global Warming / Coal-to-Liquid Action sheets and had 3 good asks from the stage to take action - including one by State Treasurer Jonathan Miller and one by a brand new KFTC member named Shane Isaac!

   In all, members participating said that it was a fun event and a great opportunity to reach out to new people while having a lot of fun doing it!


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