Bluegrass Hazardous Liquids Pipeline update and action

In the face of Williams’ aggressive and misleading media campaign, members and allies have been helping Kentuckians learn more about the risks of natural gas liquids and Williams’ safety record. In the past couple of weeks, members and allies have tabled at festivals, organized community information meetings, and gone door-to-door along the proposed route to make sure that their neighbors and communities have the information and opportunities to take action.
Amy Palumbo, a member who works in Hardin County and lives in LaRue County, organized a community information meeting in Hardin County. Amy said that she organized the meeting because she went to the Williams' Open House in Hardin County and didn’t get real answers. “I just felt like it’s important that people have their questions answered, and know what this is, so they can make informed decisions.”
One woman said that three of her neighbors had been approached, and she was concerned about her well water. Another said that she was told by company agents that she was the only one along the route that was still holding out – an outright lie she later found out.
Mike McCain from Washington County spoke about Williams’ poor safety record and specifically their plan to use welded pipes instead of the safer seamless pipes. He acknowledged that welded pipes were cheaper for Williams, but said, “"That doesn't make it right, and it sure doesn't make it safe."
Palumbo and Bob Ernst then staffed a table at Lincoln Days in LaRue County to help people plug in to efforts to stop the pipeline – one of many festivals along the proposed route that have a had a pipeline table. More community meetings and door-to-door work continue in other counties along the route. Nelson County meets regularly and has been working on local media and road signs to help keep Kentuckians informed. In most counties along the projected route, residents continue to meet with local officials, exploring ordinances and actions, planning community forums, and sponsoring education events like the screening of Gasland II.
Because of landowner awareness, the pipeline’s route continues to shift. Even while they still search for routes through some areas of resistance, Williams is stepping up the urgency and pressure with easement offers in other areas. They are offering signing bonuses if landowners sign contracts within two weeks – hardly enough time for one to consult with an attorney, their insurance agent, their mortgage holder or bank and others before signing a contract that does not protect their interests.
In other areas, surveyors are trepassing on private property. In what seems like an attempt at intimidation, Williams' representatives have placed survey markers along the sides of roads adjacent to landowners who have made it clear they will not allow the pipeline across their land.
Here's one action you can take right now to help the campaign to stop the Bluegrass Pipeline from being built. More actions are forthcoming.
Write a letter addressed to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission urging those two federal agencies to:
• require a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement on all new and repurposed portions of the proposed Bluegrass NGL Pipeline Project,
• collaborate to conduct a full environmental analysis of the need, alternative routes and alternatives to the pipeline, and the social, environmental, and economic impacts,
• advise the pipeline project companies that no actions that would commit resources to a particular project route, including easement acquisition, be allowed pending the completion of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement.
Include personal details of how the Bluegrass Pipeline could affect you, your land or the quality of life in your community. Tell them why you care about this issue.
Send your letter to:
James Townsend
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch
P.O. Box 59
Louisville, KY 40201
Ms. Kimberly Bose, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE, Room 1A
Washington, D.C. 20426
If you are unable to send a letter, please sign the petition to the Corps and FERC.
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