Bowling Green and Friends Update and Upcoming! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Bowling Green and Friends Update and Upcoming!

It's been too long since we've shared an update from the Bowling Green and Friends Chapter!  Take a look at some of the great work members have been doing over there...

  • Over the summer members have been meeting with the local city commissioners about fair housing and the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (URLTA) an act that outlines the legal duties of landlords and tenants. Kentucky state law allows cities and counties to adopt it as law.  Nineteen communities have adopted URLTA (including Louisville, Lexington, Northern Kentucky communities, Barbourville, and Somerset), but even through more than half of Bowling Green residents are renters, Bowling Green has not yet adopted URLTA.  Members are working hard to change that.

  • The Bowling Green Housing Coalition is humming right along. Along with recently meeting with two of Bowling Green's city commissioners, the Coalition is planning a Unity Festival for October 15th at The Foundry at 511 W. 11th, which is also where the chapter meets.  It's a great collective effort!

  • Dana and PattyMembers have been spreading the word about KFTC, with good, intentional reaching out to friends and neighbors, and by tabling at local events.  Members tabled at an event to welcome first-year WKU students to town, and at another campus event that was focused on civic engagement. At both these tables, members registered voters, talked with folks about KFTC, and recruited at least one new member!

Next up is tabling at Saturday's International Festival! Members will have a table from 9am to 7pm, registering voters and talking with people about KFTC.  Then, if you're in the area, come on out to the September chapter meeting on the 27th and get to know some of these fine folks!

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