Call Today to Support Single-Payer Health Care! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Call Today to Support Single-Payer Health Care!

KFTC endorses the single-payer health care plan in HR 676, known as the Conyers Bill.  Take a couple of minutes to call your congressperson with your support of health care for all.  If you'd like more information, including some possible message scripts, you can visit the Physicians for a National Health Program website. And here's an email from our friends at Kentuckians For Single Payer Health Care with the number to call: 

"Of all forms of inequality, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking
and inhumane." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Born January 15,
1929--Assassinated April 4, 1968, while leading a strike for union and
human rights for Memphis sanitation workers.

The famous quote of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is worth keeping in mind
on Thursday, January 15, as you call your congressperson and ask him or
her to sign on as a co-sponsor of HR 676, Congressman John Conyers' (D-MI)
single payer healthcare legislation.  HR 676 will shortly be reintroduced
into the 111th Congress with the same number.

Eighty-six members of the new 111th Congress were co-sponsors of HR 676 in
the last Congress.  Now is the time to call them and urge them to sign on
again as co-sponsors in the 111th Congress and to ask all the others,
including the newly elected representatives, to do likewise.

Call the US Capitol switchboard:  (202) 224 3121.  Then ask for your representative.  If you need to look up your or someone else's Congressperson, you can go to and put in the zip code.

If you have two more minutes, please call one or both or your senators to
urge them to introduce in the Senate a companion bill to HR 676.  You can
use the same number:  (202) 224 3121.

We'd love to hear from you about the response you received.  Please write
us at [email protected].

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