Campus Camp Wellstone Coming to UK | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Campus Camp Wellstone Coming to UK

Campus Camp Wellstone

UK Student Government and the Kentucky Secretary of State's office are bringing an important student political training to UK Campus on November 21st and 22nd - Campus Camp Wellstone


It's a powerful grassroots organizing training open to all UK students and we've just gotten word that it should be open to all other college students across the state as well! (we'll know for sure on Monday).

We know it's a challenging time of year for students to be able to travel to Lexington and spend two days training for future grassroots organizing, but we highly recommend you go

Students who wish to attend should send an email to Grant Mills at [email protected] to reserve your spot.

The training will be held at the ES Goodbarn on UK campus and begins at 3pm on Friday, November 21st and ends at 5:30pm on Saturday.

Meals and the training itself are FREE.  If you're traveling from out of town, contact Dave Newton at [email protected] and we might be able to work out lodgings paid for by KFTC.


Campus Camp Wellstone Training Agenda

FRIDAY, Nov 21st

3:00    Registration - 30 min
3:30   Introduction - 45 min   
4:15    Power and Politics the Wellstone Way - 45 min   
5:00    Grassroots Organizing - 1 hour, 20 min
6:20    Dinner - 40 min
7:00    Messaging (Part 1 and 2) - 2 hours, 5 min
9:05    Evaluation - 15 min
SATURDAY, Nov 22nd
9:30    Breakfast - 30 min
10:00    Messaging (Part 3) - 1 hour, 20 min
11:20    Grassroots Lobbying - 1 hour, 20 min
12:40    Lunch - 25 min
1:15    Strategic Planning - 2 hours
3:15    Event Planning - 30 min
3:45    Break - 15 min
4:00    Leadership Development - 60 min       
5:00    Closing Session - 30 min
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