Central Kentucky members tirelessly work for democracy | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Central Kentucky members tirelessly work for democracy

It has been a long day of doing Get Out the Vote (GOTV) work here in the Central Kentucky office.  We have had members coming and going all day, since 6am.  We've been giving rides to the polls, doing last minute turnout calls, handing out voter guides on campus and at the transit center, and driving the sound car around town, reminding people to vote.

All told, we had about 25 people volunteer their time and energy today to help cap off this year's voter empowerment work.  We hope to have some more reports and photos from around the state soon.

Our members at the end of the day (by Kentuckians for the Commonwealth)
KFTC members Matt, Danny, John, Bonnie, Kristin, and Leah at the end of the day at the CKY office
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