Central Kentucky poster making party! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Central Kentucky poster making party!

6-10-09 poster making party1

The CKY chapter development work team met last night at the Lexington office to plan the agenda for their July chapter meeting. About the work team meeting itself, CKY member and, steering committee representative Susan Williams said, "Our chapter development meetings are crucial to making sure that our chapter meetings run smoothly and are on time. By getting together  in advance, we have time to really make sure that everything that needs to be addressed, will be"

That is exactly how it went, as the work team chose voter empowerment to be the theme of their July 16th chapter meeting.

The second half of the evening was devoted towards making posters to carry on the Lexington 4th of July parade.

6-10-09 poster making party2

The CKY chapter plans on both marching in the parade and having a booth at the festival. If you're interested in participating, please contact Ondine Quinn at  [email protected].


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