Chapter Development Armchair Seminar: Planning a Voter Registration Drive! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Chapter Development Armchair Seminar: Planning a Voter Registration Drive!

Last night's monthly KFTC Chapter Development Armchair Seminar focused on how to organize a local voter registration drive in your chapter or local area.  If you didn't have a chance to join us on the webinar, you can still check out the information by downloading the power point and some of the presenter's notes now.  Organizing a loca voter registration drive is a great way to volunteer in your chapter, meet new people in your community, and increase civic participation and democracy in your area!  

Download the full power point by clicking here!

You can reach Dave Newton, KFTC’s Voter Empowerment Organizer, at any time with voter registration questions.  His cell phone number is 859-420-8919.

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