| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Charles Booker Town Hall was a success!

4-28-20 CBooker Town Hall--10On Tuesday night, 160 KFTC members and friends came together for the KFTC Charles Booker Town Hall where Rep Charles Booker talked about his story and his campaign for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Mitch McConnell. KFTC's New Power PAC endorsed Booker earlier this year. 

It was an opportunity for KFTC's statewide issue committees and members as a whole to ask Charles Booker questions and make their own stances known.

It's hard to build community in a time of social distancing, but this was an important and needed space for us to see eachother, laugh together, and build power together.

Now, we need to channel that energy into our biggest voter outreach push yet. With the changing circumstances of our June 23 primary, more Kentuckians than ever need to hear from us about the new process for voting by mail and staying safe during the election. And more Kentuckians than ever need to hear from us about Charles Booker's bold vision for Kentucky.
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Here's how you can keep building the momentum to get Charles Booker into office (and Mitch McConnell out):

Help us make phone calls to voters from the safety of your home. Sign up for upcoming phone banks and volunteer support calls at KFTC.org/MeetOnline. (All phone banks we offer begin with a training to help first-time volunteers feel prepared and supported.)

Sign up for upcoming virtual events, webinars, and trainings at KFTC.org/MeetOnline 

Sign up to be part of the KFTC Charles Booker Booker Hype Team at bit.ly/bookerhypeteam

Donate to support KFTC's voter work, or give directly to Rep. Booker's campaign.

Thanks so much again, and see you soon!

P.S. We'll post a recording of the town hall soon – but in the meantime, enjoy these sweet photos from Tuesday night!