| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

City of Lynch gets Energy Audit!

Yesterday, two Lynch city buildings got a thorough energy audit to kick-start an energy efficiency project to continue into summer. Conducting the energy audit on the Lynch City Hall and Water Treatment Plant were Josh Bills and Hope Broeker of MACED (Mountain Association for Community Economic Development) with assistance from Gregory Copley from UK's Center for Applied Energy Research.  There to learn and welcome them to the area, were Harlan County KFTC members Stanley Sturgill and Carl Shoupe.  

Tall tails
MACED Energy Audit in LynchMACED energy audit in LynchLynch Water Plant
Lynch energy auditWater Tank

Stay tuned for more updates on this project as KFTC, MACED, the city of Lynch, and state agencies work to get Lynch city buildings energy efficiency upgrades in the coming months!  And see more pictures of yesterday's audit of the Lynch Water Plant below and on Flickr.

Stanley tells old coal tipple storiesMACED Energy Audit in Lynch
Talking hydro-electric over Looney Creek"Remember when?"

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