CKY economic justice work team will begin surveying Lexington residents in January | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

CKY economic justice work team will begin surveying Lexington residents in January

CKY econ justice work team mtg

The central Kentucky chapter's newly formed economic justice work team met last week for the first time and discussed ways to reach out to low income and immigrant communities in Lexington. "In order to know what people are struggling with we have to get out and talk to them!" commented Janet Tucker, a long time KFTC member and member of the work team.

The work team decided to create a survey that they could take to several Lexington precincts and talk with folks door to door. Some of the questions that will be included on the survey are:

What are the main problems you see in your neighborhood/ In Lexington?
Are your or anyone in your family unemployed?
What kinds of jobs would you like to see come to Lexington?
Are you or anyone in your family without health insurance? 
Do you know anyone who has been evicted, lost their home to foreclosure, or is homeless?
What kinds of things would you like to see our city government take up?

Their plan is to survey 150 people between January and March of 2011. After the initial round of conversations the team will strategize how to get these folks talking to each other, and to develop a set of recommendation for the new city council.

If you'd like to be a part of the CKY chapter's economic justice work team, then please contact the local organizer at 859-368-4438 or [email protected]

Their next meeting will be held on Thursday December 8th, at 279 Malabu Dr Lexington KY at 7pm.


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