Clean Water Protection Act call-in day | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Clean Water Protection Act call-in day

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Call Congress Today! (by
Attendees at last year's Washington DC lobby week.

We need your help to bring an end to mountaintop removal coal mining. Today.

This week, two dozen KFTC members and more than 140 citizens from Appalachia and across the U.S. will gather in our nation's capital as part of our 4th Annual End Mountaintop Removal Week in Washington.

They will be meeting with members of Congress to gain new cosponsors and urge the passage of HR 1310, the Clean Water Protection Act which would protect our streams and help to end mountaintop removal coal extraction.

As you know, mountaintop removal is one of the most egregious environmental and social justice disasters in the U.S. – at least 474 mountains, equal to more than 1.5 million acres of land, have been destroyed by this practice. Coalfield residents and supporters from across the U.S. are asking for an end to this practice and an investment in sustainable economic alternatives for Appalachia..

By calling your House Representative in Congress today you can support their presence in Washington, and help make the case that now is the time for Congress to take action to stop mountaintop removal coal mining. Our goal this year is to pass the Clean Water Protection Act in 2009 — be a part of making history with us!

Call your House Representative anytime today or tomorrow, but we encourage you to call right now, using our nifty call-in tool.

This tool will dial your Representative directly at no charge and provide you with a script for speaking to them based on whether or not they support the Clean Water Protection Act. At the end of your call, you will have the opportunity to leave feedback on how your call went — which can really help in future conversations we'll have with that Representative.

To get started, click here.

You can also find out whether your representative is already a sponsor of the Clean Water Protection Act in 2008 here.

It has been the initiative of citizens that resulted in Kentucky's Rep. Ben Chandler becoming the first coalfield legislator to sign on as a cosponsor of the Clean Water Protection Act, with Rep. John Yarmuth also adding his strong support. Your calls do make a difference!

Thanks for helping to save a national treasure, the Appalachian Mountains and its people and communities.

P.S.--If you would prefer to contact your U.S. Representative the traditional way, here's information on how to do that:

Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121, ask for your House Representative, and tell them:

  • That you are their constituent, calling to request that they to become a co-sponsor of the Clean Water Protection Act (HR 1310) which was introduced by Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) with Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) and Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA). Or, if your representative is already a cosponsor (see list here) call to thank them and urge them to push for a hearing this year.

  • Across the eastern Kentucky coalfields, more than 1,400 miles of streams have been buried and destroyed by mountaintop removal coal mining, and at least 2,000 across the Appalachian coalfields.

  • The Clean Water Protection Act (HR 1310) is necessary to protect clean drinking water for many of our nation's downstream towns and cities.

  • The Clean Water Protection Act (HR 1310) is also necessary to protect the quality of life for Appalachian coalfield residents who face frequent catastrophic flooding and pollution or loss of drinking water as a result of mountaintop removal.

P.P.S.--We strongly suggest you call your representative, but If you would prefer to contact your Representative by email, click here.

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