Click and Tell Rep. Rogers: Kentucky Deserves Clean Water and Air | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Click and Tell Rep. Rogers: Kentucky Deserves Clean Water and Air

"Now that I'm grown and ready to start a family, I learned of a study released not too long ago that showed a dramatic increase in birth defects in areas where mountaintop removal occurs.  A different study was released that showed an increase in cancer rates in areas with surface mining. How am I supposed to plan a life here when 600,000 acres of Eastern Kentucky have been surface mined, and valley fills are leaching toxic metals into our creeks? -- Cody Montgomery at the Kentucky Deserves Better Rally, October 14

On Friday, about 50 KFTC members rallied at Rep. Hal Rogers office, sending a message that the region deserves good jobs, clean water and air, and safe and healthy families. 

We know that a healthy environment is an important piece of building a good future for ourselves, especially in the 5th district, as we learn more about the health impacts of mountaintop removal mining and poisoned water. 

And yet, Hal Rogers is standing in the way. He's using his role as the chair of the House Appropriations Committee to undermine the important role of the Environmental Protection Agency by slashing funding and attaching 'riders' to budget bills that prohibit the EPA from enforcing clean water and clean air programs, especially those that control the most harmful impacts of coal mining, burning and coal ash disposal.


Can you take a second to tell Rep. Rogers that we deserve stronger safeguards to ensure clean water and air?  It's simple.  On his website is this survey:


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