Colombia and Appalachia: The People Behind the Coal | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Colombia and Appalachia: The People Behind the Coal


KFTC and Witness For Peace have joined together over the last three years to forge closer connections between coal-affected community members and miners in Appalachia and in Colombia. Foreign corporations, mainly U.S. ones, mine millions of tons of coal in Colombia every year, even though Colombia does not use coal for its own electricity. And, 80% of coal mined in Colombia is exported to the United States. To bolster this exchange, every year Colombians visit Kentucky and KFTC members visit Colombia. 


Join this year's tour!



Appalachia: May 31-June 3

Colombia:  June 3-10



$2400 for both portions of the tour, includes airfare to Colombia

Colombia only: $2100 (includes $900 airfare) 

Appalachia only: $300


To sign up or for more information, please contact:

Avi Chomsky                                                                                    Steve Striffler

978-542-6389                                                                                    479-283-4795

[email protected]                                                            [email protected]


Learn more about KFTC's participation in this exchange at



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