Come rally for the Restoration of Voting Rights Amendment | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Come rally for the Restoration of Voting Rights Amendment

Alex Thomas at the Restoration Lobby DayThe automatic restoration of voting rights for felons who've served their debt to society is vital to preserving the spirit of our democracy, but Kentucky is one of the only states in country who does not allow this.  On this Thursday, February 28th, busloads of people from around the state will be coming out to rally in support of HB 70, the restoration of voting rights amendment. This will be our largest lobby day this session on the issue, and we need as many people there as possible to demand passage of this important bill.

Can you be there with us?

Action #1

Take the day off from work or school and come to Frankfort for this important day of action!

If you wish to lobby, join us in room 111 of the Capitol Annex from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. where we will be coordinating lobbying teams and providing brief trainings on how to lobby.  Please try to arrive early.

Otherwise, join us in the Capitol Rotunda at 1:30 p.m. for the rally.  Speaking there will be former felons who have been affected by disenfranchisement, members of the faith community, and state legislators. 

This is the first time we've held a rally in Frankfort on this issue, and we hope to make it a big one.

Either way, please sign up for the day here.

Action #2

House Bill 70 is currently awaiting a vote on the floor of the House and has had several bad floor amendments attached to it.  We need you to leave a message for your own representative, Speaker Richards, and House Majority Leader Adkins on the Legislative Message Line,1-800-372-7181.

Message: "Please pass HB 70 through the House without any floor amendments"

The Message Line is open 7 a.m. - 11 p.m., Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Friday.

Issue Area(s): 

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