| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Date set for Candidate Training - November 11-13

Along with our allies at Wellstone Action and the PUSHBACK Network, KFTC is hosting a powerful training for people who will be running for public office or playing a major role in a someone else's campaign.

If you've considered running for the state legislature or any one of the offices that will be up in 2012, now is the time to put some serious thought into it. 

This is a world-class, three-day training that we'll hold in Louisville Friday November 11th-Sunday November 13th. 

Elements of the training will include messaging, electoral base-building, targeting, direct voter contact, running an effective phone and door program, stump speeches, interactive scripts, GOTV, media work,  fundraising, and  more. 


Group photo from one of many earlier KFTC/Wellstone trainings.

If you're interested in attending, please Contact KFTC's Deputy Organizing Director of Voter Empowerment, Dave Newton at [email protected]

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