Democracy Restoration Act Coverage | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Democracy Restoration Act Coverage


Here is some good coverage of the federal Democracy Restoration Act by our friends at The Sentencing Project

The Democracy Restoration Act is a measure that would restore voting rights to former felons after they are released from prison for purposes of voting in federal elections only. 

Whereas, we continue to push for House Bill 70 in the Kentucky legislature to restore rights to most former felons in the state, KFTC is also in favor of this legislation.


Continuing to highlight the March 16 House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Democracy Restoration Act, coverage by Voice of America highlighted Marcus Martin and Andres Idaragga - two formerly incarcerated men who advocate for reenfranchisement. Martin, a Maryland resident, is not eligible for vote restoration until 2020.

"Whatever rights that a normal citizen should have, I believe I should have them as well since I've served my time and I'm back in society as a paying taxpayer and community activist," said Martin.

Idaragga's rights were restored in 2006 when the issue became a ballot referendum in Rhode Island. "Voting is particularly important because when we exclude people for voting, we're excluding them from the fundamental act of what it means to be a citizen," he said in an interview following his testimony before Congress earlier this month. Read Daily Kos for more on Idaragga.

Fox News' Glenn Beck commented on this week's New York Times editorial and the momentum behind the Democracy Restoration Act.

For additional coverage, read the full Sentencing Project blog piece, a good summary of the bill on the Brennan Center's website, and stories in the Huffington Post and the New American.

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