Don't forget to renew your membership dues!! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Don't forget to renew your membership dues!!

Brian making calls from the CKY office


Now that the election is over we're moving into our fall fund raising campaign. The membership dues and donations we receive help us to organize in Kentucky.

Thanks to the contributions we've received KFTC has had a pretty remarkable year;

·      KFTC members testified before top federal and state administrators and Whitehouse officials about harmful impacts of mountaintop removal mining and the opportunity to create new jobs and healthier communities through clean energy solutions.

·      We brought more than 200 KFTC members and allies to Frankfort to promote a bill that would restore voting rights to nearly 200,000 citizens in Kentucky.

·      We sent more than 50 members to Washington DC to take part in an event called Appalachia Rising to call on the Administration to stop Mountaintop Removal and invest in job creation in Appalachia.

·      We contacted more than 30,000 voters in Kentucky to make sure they were well informed and motivated to vote in this fall’s election.

If you'd like to help us with our fund raising campaign over the next few weeks, please contact your local organizer. If you live in the central Kentucky area we have phone banks scheduled on the following nights:

Wednesday 11/17 between 5pm-8pm
Saturday 11/20 between 12pm-2pm
Monday 11/29 between 5pm-8pm
Tuesday 11/30 between 5pm-8pm
Wednesday 12/1 between 5pm-8pm
Thursday 12/2 between 5pm-8pm
Sunday 12/5 between 2pm-6pm

If you are available for any of these shifts and would like to help out, contact Ondine at [email protected]


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