Down and Dirty Fundraising in Jefferson County | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Down and Dirty Fundraising in Jefferson County

Member Molly Tevisorona, er... the Kentucky Crusader, will dive into the mud for the love of her state.

Hello! I am Molly Tevisorona, new KFTC member. From the time I was just a wee Girl Scout the idea that we are personally responsible for the Earth and one another has been ingrained in me. I owe this to my mother and sister. For example, my mother found out the children at the Center for Women and Families were not getting Easter baskets one year. Though she was poor and a single mother who worked 50 hours a week she knew that if these children needed something it was her duty to help in any way she could. We asked around and got a donation of 12 dozen eggs and some random candy. We sat and colored these eggs and put the baskets together for two days straight!

My sister-in-soul ran The Hometown Hospitality Cafe out of her Germantown home until her death in 2008. She had very close to nothing, often dumpster diving to find extra food to feed the hungry people that showed up at her doorstep. She made sure that none of them left hungry, and that they had a place to go when they left.  No one asked them to do these things, they felt a responsibility tugging them to action.

For so long I too have felt this call to action. We all deserve food to eat and clean water to drink. We deserve livable wages at safe jobs. We deserve health care that doesn't drive us into bankruptcy. We deserve to be respected no matter what our race, gender,or sexual orientation. But what am I going to do about it? These are huge issues and I am one person. A poor person at that! It's easy to feel overwhelmed and lost as to how to start.

That's where KFTC comes in. I knew I agreed with what they were doing and wanted to help so I decided to do what I am good at and what I enjoy, which, for me is being goofy and running. On May 19th I will be running in a race called The Muddy Fanatic dressed in a superhero costume. I will become the Kentucky Crusader, harassing my friends, family, and co-workers to pledge money or time to KFTC in exchange for me looking totally silly and getting REALLY muddy!

We all have the power of The Kentucky Crusader. Whatever you are good at, whatever you enjoy, it can be used to help others.

If you don't have an idea as to how to start just call, or email any of the KFTC community organizers for ideas on how to get started, they are so friendly and are so happy for any time, money or effort they receive. 

Together we can make real change. I know I certainly feel more empowered, and it's not just because I'm writing this in a cape and mask... If you would like to learn more, or just be witness to my pre-race silliness, join us on May 18th from 4-10 p.m. for Louisville Loves Mountains at the Heine Bros Coffee at Longest Ave and Bardstown for good people, good coffee, books and more! It'll be a good time for sure! 

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