| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

East Kentuckians March for Blair Mountain!

Beginning well before dawn this morning, hundreds of women, men, children, students, grandparents, union workers, Appalachians, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth and allies from all over were hustling about to prepare their 5-day march to Blair Mountain, beginning today.  After a brief press conference, the colorful group, a sea of red-bandana wearing rednecks, began to drift out of Marmet, WV on their 50-mile journey.   Among them are our dear east Kentucky friends, John Hennen of Rowan County, Beverly May of Floyd County, and Russell Oliver of Perry County.


"I go to events like Blair Mountain because I believe that I need to be there to tell people what it is like to live in an area that has strip mining and mountaintop removal; and the effect that it has on people's lives, not only in areas where they mine, but also how it affects the lives of people who don't live in this area.  I go because it is my tiny way of helping,â€  Russell said a few days ago of his excitement to march.  Check him out below, front and center, leading the pack just moments ago. 




During the press release, grandmother and art teacher William Steele of Meador, WV, told the crowd and press of her life here and what she has at stake.  She warned, "One of the things you better not do is forget your history.â€





This March on Blair Mountain route mimics the march by over 10,000 miners for labor and union rights in 1921, explained by video here and article here.  However, today’s event is the first of its kind in many aspects.  Today people from all over, community and environmental groups, and labor unions, including United Mine Workers of America local chapters, are marching together in solidarity.   They are marching to preserve Blair Mountain, abolish mountaintop removal, strengthen labor rights, and for an investment in sustainable job creation for all Appalachian communities.




Below is Bev May thanking several retired union miners for their service and continued dedication.


Bev and all of us hope to see you this Saturday at the culminating rally on Blair Mountain, ending the march, but beginning a longer and stronger journey.  Hundreds more will join the marchers there.  You can follow march updates here on our blog and on the March on Blair Mountain website.  


Carpools will be heading up on Friday, June 10th from all over KY and returning after the rally Saturday.  Contact [email protected] or (606) 269-2843 to get in on the fun!




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