Election Day "By the Numbers" | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Election Day "By the Numbers"

IMG_0395Our 2012 voter empowerment work has been relentless, thoughtful, genuine, deep, and powerful. 

We'll spend weeks analyzing and evaluating our work, but some numbers are starting tu surface that we can start to use to measure how we did. 

So here it it, the 2012 election "by the numbers."

- 1,799,037 - Ballots castgIMG_7118

- 59.23% - Voter Turnout     

- 243,842 - People who till don't have the right to vote in Kentucky because of our felony disenfranchisement laws.

- 4,814 - Voters registered by KFTC in 2012

- 48 - Consecutive hours of voter registration as part of Louisville's Operation Voter Madness.  Lexington had a 36-hour voter registration marathon too.  IMG_20121106_143421

- 63 - Candidates responding to our general Election voter guide survey

- 40,429 - Voter guides printed and distributed in 2012.  We printed 23,267 in the general election and 17,162 for the primary. Brian and Jacob2   gDSC_0403

- 70,048 - Page views on www.KentuckyElection.org for the 2012 election season.  20,724 of those were in the final two days of the election.

- 7,351 - Voter Mobilization calls made by KFTC members in the general election.  We also made 5,200 calls in the primary.

- 3 - Singing For Democracy Gospel Fests leading up to the general election.

- 2,200 - Zombie voter mobilization handills passed out at Halloween events.

- 2.2 million - Times our Facebook voter mobilization ad was shown

- 46 - number of rides to the polls we gave on Nov 6th. 

- 0 - Number of Elections scheduled in Kentucky in 2013.  So we can take a deep breath and a step back to focus on building our Democracy in other ways.

Of course these numbers are skewed towards things that are easy to count and quantify.   There have been so many intangible, powerful results to our work in this election that aren't nearly so easy enumerate - like leadership development, conversations with neighbors, the power of a former felon telling their story for the first time or a student casting their first ballot. 

For all of the results tangible and intangible, thank you to those who made it all possible!

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