| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Election Day - Polls are now open!

gIMG_5047It's 6 a.m. and polls are now open in the Kentucky Primary.

So get out there and Vote!

As always, www.KentuckyElection.org has key information about candidate stances, voting locations, links to what your ballot will look like today, and other important information.  Use it to cast an informed vote today and share it with friends!

There are a lot of key races out there and whole elections that will be decided by primary votes prior to the General Election.

Other parts of the state don't have as many consequential elections in this particular primary, but it's still important to get out and vote because it's good to be in the habit of participating in our democracy and even minor races or shifts in margins can have big political consequences. 

There are also plenty of Kentuckians who don't presently have the right to vote and are fighting hard to get it.  We owe it to them to vote in their stead and take our responsibility to this Democracy seriously.

Also, we're going to tabulate an estimate after the election to see what percentage of KFTC members voted and we want to rightly tell elected officials a large number and that KFTC members like you Vote.

So get out there and vote!




Key Contact Information:

- Your Local County Clerk's Office - Click For Full Listing

- State Board of Elections - 1-800-246-1399

- Attorney General's Election Fraud Hotline - 1-800-328-VOTE (800-328-8683)

- KFTC's Voter Empowerment Organizer - Dave Newton - 859-420-8919

If you have questions or concerns, or if there are election irregularities, please don't keep them to yourself.  Pick up the phone and call.

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