Election Day Report - Central Kentucky | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Election Day Report - Central Kentucky


Today many Central Kentucky members helped with Election Day voter empowerment efforts. Members phone-banked, went out to the community with information, gave rides to the polls and did the famous "sound car."

John Ghaelian, who went out to UK to get out information said, "lots of students had voted and seemed excited," adding, "and people had our voter guides, that made me feel good"

Jerry Moody, a CKY Voter Empowerment organizer, went to three different precincts in Lexington; Winburn, Douglas Williams and Julius Marks. Around 11am the precincts had thirty to fifty percent turnout and waits up to two hours. At Julius Marks, Jerry, who was just talking to people about voting and their experiences today, was asked to leave by a poll worker.


But most people were receptive and nice to our members. Especially our members in the "sound car." The "sound car" is a normal car equipped with a microphone and speaker we can drive into different communities and urge people to vote. Kim Hoffmeister, a CKY member who, according to other members, was "born to do sound car," said the experience was "amazing," and particularly enjoyed that some people would react with cheers or applause.

KFTC member Wesley Phelps summed it up best at the end of the day as polls in Lexington were closing, "voting is awesome."

                                                                                                - Danny Cotton

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