Election Day Report from Floyd County (posted late) | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Election Day Report from Floyd County (posted late)

No photos to share here in Floyd County, but I do have some stories.

One person called me today to ask for help. Seems we somehow missed each other during the voter registration process (her father passed away and she was otherwise occupied with family matters.) She was registered in another county, but has lived here for four years. She showed up to vote and, of course, wasn't allowed. She was told to call me for help. Imagine...folks at the polling place referring potential voters to me for assistance because they knew about the registration work I had done and my willingness to do whatever I could to help. While she wasn't able to vote today, much to her disappointment, I did deliver a mail in registration card to her home, explained how to fill it out, and put a stamp on it for her. She will be ready next time around.

I also learned from one of the poll workers about a problem with local voting for write-in candidates. Seems that someone had the brilliant idea to write a candidate's name on the screen next to the button labeled "Write In"; since it isn't common to have write-in candidates here, over 100 people pushed the button with the name written beside it but failed to actually write the name on the paper at the bottom edge of the machine. Some who have indicated a problem said that previously the writing area was next to the button instead of hidden away. Lousy design, but maybe some good will come of it.

Essentially, I spent the day in a central location with Internet and telephone access and helped people check registration status, provided transportation for a couple of folks, and otherwise directed "traffic" to ensure I did what I could to help for the day without being inside the polling place.

                                                                            - Lisa Perry, Floyd County

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