| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Election Day is Today!

photo 2 (21)Today (Tuesday June 23rd) is Election Day!

If you have your ballot but haven't mailed it back yet, please send it as soon as possible.  Sign and seal both envelopes (this is important - your vote will not count if the envelopes are missing signatures), read directions carefully, and get it postmarked June 23 at the latest.  Postage on ballots is already paid. There also will be local drop boxes at limited locations if you'd prefer to drop off your ballot (your county clerk can tell you where).

If you requested a ballot but did not receive it, it won't stop you from being able to vote in person today.  Even if you have your ballot, you can vote in person if you prefer.

Polls are open 6am to 6pm and your normal polling location will not be open.  Most counties have just one polling place, which you can find on this list.

TARC in Louisville, LexTran in Lexington, TANK in Northern KY, the Go Bus in Bowling Green are all offering free rides to the polls.

There are also Free lyft rides to polls in these cities: Louisville , Lexington, Hopkinsville, Elizabethtown, and Bowlin Green.  Use lyft code: KYVOTES through 6pm

If voting in person, bring an acceptable form of ID and please wear a mask indoors to protect poll workers and other voters.

If you're in line by 6pm, you can't be turned away from voting.

You can use www.KentuckyElection.org to learn more about candidates and their stances.

We're getting mixed reports from across the state with some long lines and some quick, easy voting.

152,000 Kentuckians with felonies in their past recently won the right to vote again. You can find out if you're one of them at www.WeAreKentuckians.org/votingrights.

If you're turned away from voting or run into other possibly illegal election activity, please call our allies at Election Protection at 1-866-OUR-VOTE and the Kentucky Attorney General's Election Hotline at 1-800-328-VOTE
If you have questions, you can also reach out to KFTC's Democracy Organizer Dave Newton at 859-420-8919.
If you returned your mail-in ballot already, you can check its status here.  If it doesn't show as being received by your Count Clerk, that might mean it's still in transit or they haven't processed it yet.  But you can call your County Clerk to double check.  If your search gets a "request does not exist" result, try making sure your name you search for on the initial screen is written exactly as it appears in your voter registration. 
You can also volunteer with KFTC to make phone calls to voters, join our social media hype team, or join in election day activities - www.KFTC.org/MeetOnline
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