EPA report affirms Clean Air Act's health protections | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

EPA report affirms Clean Air Act's health protections

A report released March 1 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that the benefits of reducing fine particle and ground level ozone pollution under the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments will reach approximately $2 trillion in 2020 while saving 230,000 people from early death in that year alone. The report studied the effects of the Clean Air Act updates on the economy, public health and the environment between 1990 and 2020.epa study cover 3.11

“The Clean Air Act’s decades-long track record of success has helped millions of Americans live healthier, safer and more productive lives,” said EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson. "This report outlines the extraordinary health and economic benefits of one of our nation's most transformative environmental laws and demonstrates the power of bipartisan approaches to protecting the health of the American people from pollution in our environment." 

In 2010 alone, the reductions in fine particle and ozone pollution from the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments prevented more than: 
·    160,000 cases of premature mortality 
·    130,000 heart attacks 
·    13 million lost work days 
·    1.7 million asthma attacks 

In 2020, the study projects benefits will be even greater, preventing more than: 
·    230,000 cases of premature mortality 
·    200,000 heart attacks 
·    17 million lost work days 
·    2.4 million asthma attacks 

For more information and a copy of the summary report, click here.

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