Fancy Farm in 8 Weeks - Can you plan to join us? | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Fancy Farm in 8 Weeks - Can you plan to join us?


On the first Saturday in August every year, hundreds of politically-minded people along with many candidates and public officials come to a tiny town in  far western Kentucky for a rigorous day of stump speeches and barbecue called Fancy Farm, an event that tends to set the tone for the last 3 months of the election season.



This year, KFTC wants to bring a lot of our members out to talk to candidates and others about important issues like Voting Rights, Progressive Tax Reform, and Mountaintop Removal Mining.  We'll be passing out hundreds of stickers and newsletters and showing candidates that our members are involved in the political process at all levels.

Fancy Farm festivities in Graves County fall on Saturday, August 6th this year and KFTC will have carpools leaving from many communities across the state on August 5th to get there in time (it's a long journey from all of our chapter areas)

The political speeches start at 2pm, so much of our field work will be from 10am to 2pm. 

If we have a member with an RV that would like to come out with us, that would be especially great.

If you're interested in participating, please contact Dave Newton at [email protected] or 859-420-8919 for more information.

 If you're on Facebook, you can also RSVP and help us spread the word Here.

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