Fancy Farm around the corner | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Fancy Farm around the corner


On the first Saturday in August every year, hundreds of politically-minded people (most associated with either the Republican or Democratic party), along with many candidates and public officials come to a tiny, tiny town in far, far western Kentucky for a rigorous day of stump speeches and barbecue that often set the tone for the three months leading to Election Day in November.

This year, the Fancy Farm Festivities fall on Saturday, August 7th.

In 2007, 2008, and 2009, KFTC sent between about 6 and 15 members to witness the spectacle of the event, but also to pass out stickers and balancing the scales newsletters and to engage the crowd and politicians alike on deeper issues and to build support for our campaigns.

Some of us are talking about what it would be like to try to make out mobilization this year much bigger, possibly with heavy support from the Bowling Green and Jefferson County chapters that are closest to Fancy Farm. 

If you're interested in participating, please contact Dave Newton at [email protected] for more information.  We'll likely carpool over on Friday, August 6th and return home late on Saturday, August 7th.  If we have a member with an RV that would like to come out with us, that would be especially great.

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