| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

A Former Felon Votes For the First Time


 Today, Nov. 4th, Election Day. I got up early enough, around 5:00 A.M., but went back to bed. That was too early! Later an acquaintance called my cell phone and awoke me. She said "I just wanted to let you know I am voting, I am in line, it is 6: 15 A.M., sorry to wake youâ€. I had updated her address for voter registration during our campaigns. I thanked her for the WAKE UP call. I got ready and finally walked the 2 blocks to where I was told to go vote. I was armed with plenty of information. They better not try any trickery on me! There was no line. I saw my table # M144 as I heard someone asking to assist me. I just walked to my table # M144. The table was mine. I was on my way to my precinct number.

The older gentlemen poll worker seemed confused, but I was not. I assisted him in locating my ODD number address sequence for 1415 S Shelby Street.  He just did not believe that I knew, but I saw the address list (reading upside down, yes) and the sequence that corresponded to my M144, but I waited with patience. I was not in a hurry. He finally saw it too, and agreed that was my precinct number M144 and passed me over to a lady who found my name and address under M144. I signed my name next to my address. I got my ballot and slowly walked over to the stand up booth. I just did not believe you can vote sitting down. I wanted to think on my feet. This was serious stuff.

As I looked at the candidate lists, I decided to vote individually for each candidate. Where was the pomp and circumstance just giving a blanket approval?  No, I wanted to choose. I wanted to elect with a clear definitive action. Filling up the circles became tedious to me. It was taking too long, but what a rush!

Not you! Yes, you, No, not never! Are you kidding me! I thought, as I read and then penciled in the circles of each of my choices. Afterwards, it seemed a long way to the vote tally machine. Was I gliding on air or walking? Was I anxious? Yes! My ballot came out the first time! and then was accepted on the second try. Man, no balloons falling from the ceiling? I felt vindicated at last. For me, this voting thing deserved some quiet moments of solitude. It was special and personal. The cool morning air was my companion as I walked back home alone, warmed by my the empowering thought that 

Yes, for the first time in my entire life I felt empowered. I voted to make better lives for myself and others.


I have never voted anywhere in these United States. Today was my day. And what a great start to a new life!
Getting back to reality, my cell phone rings and its Amar, and then its Colette from KFTC,  "Where are youâ€.  Oh well, so much for my quiet time of reflection. Its back to community empowerment, the real work goes on!

Later, around 8 A.M., I took Amelia and Amar to our rally on 2nd and Broadway, at the McDonalds corner. We met up with Doanta and Whit. We clowned all over the four street corners getting cars honking, people waving from their cars, shouting to us, thumbs up everywhere.

I went inside to get a cup of coffee and Bruce Lunsford and John Yarmuth greeted me at the door, shaking my hand vigorously saying "thank youâ€. I just smiled and went back to our GO VOTE! Corner, raising much more louder H*** for 2 hours.

What a morning, What a Wake Up Call....

I later went back home early enough and got back to reflecting on "my moment in our historyâ€.  Oh what a rush!

                                                              - Carl Matthews

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