Forum at UK In Response to Obama Effigy | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Forum at UK In Response to Obama Effigy


     "Sickened,â€ was the prevailing emotion after someone left an effigy of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama hanging in a tree on the University of Kentucky’s campus. Students, staff, faculty and community members crowded UK’s Memorial Hall to show their anger and concern. But also to show that they would not stand for racism at UK. There were speeches from University President Dr. Lee Todd, Lexington Mayor Jim Newberry along with representatives from College Democrats, College Republicans, Student Government, Lexington’s Urban League, UK’s Black Student Union, UK’s Vice President for Institutional Diversity, the Interfaith Alliance and Pleasant Green Baptist Church. All of them condemning the perpetrator, and condemning the prejudice that led to this incident.

     "I was sickened, sick for this campus, for greater Lexington and for this Commonwealth,â€ said President Todd, in a sentiment echoed in many of the speeches.

     The speakers also urged Kentuckians to act. Rev. Thomas Peoples of Pleasant Green Baptist Church asserted that "we cannot afford to allow a small segment of our community to damage the progress we have made…or let this affect the work we have done.â€ And Dr. Judy Jackson, Vice President for Institutional Diversity noted that while people should "take it upon yourself to act,â€ the whole community will have to work together.

     Many Central Kentucky KFTC members attended this forum. And UK-KFTC collaborated with Student Government, College Democrats and Republicans and the Black Student Union on a forthcoming statement condemning the incident. UK-KFTC will be collaborating with these, and other allied organizations on diversity and awareness events in the coming days.

     While the crime itself was a terrible reflection on UK, Lexington and our Commonwealth, the swift response by community members and leaders shows that many citizens are ready to fight for a day when discrimination is wiped out of our laws, habits and hearts.

                                                                  - UK KFTC Member, Danny Cotton

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