| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Georgetown residents plan second local Pride event for October 28

Scott County members and allies have continued the push for a fairness ordinance in Georgetown, and hope to build upon the success of the campaign over the past year.

With Coming Out Day taking place on October 11, many groups working to pass local fairness ordinances are holding fall picnics to raise community awareness around this issue.

Georgetown Fairness will be holding its second Georgetown Pride picnic on October 28.

Last year, more than 300 people came out, and this year planners expect another great turnout. There will a variety of local speakers to talk about the need to pass a local non-discrimination ordinance to protect members of the LGBTQ community from discrimination.

The Scott County chapter invites all KFTC members to join them from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 601 E. Main Street in Georgetown (at the home of Harold Dean Jessie and Steven Wiglesworth) to celebrate the work of Georgetown Fairness, and to push forward for equality.