Good Jobs Now! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Good Jobs Now!

Yesterday, at least 47 states took part in the Jobs with Justice nationwide action to call for Kirk and MaryGood Jobs Now!  

The action was in support of the Local Jobs for America Act (H.R. 4812), which would create 750,000 jobs in local government and community non-profits over the next two years.

In Louisville, folks from KFTC, the Kentucky Alliance, Women In Transition, MoveOn, KY Jobs with Justice, and citizens who want a good job now joined together in a rally in front of the Unemployment Office.  The photo is of KFTC's Chair, K. A. Owens, and Mary, who urged the crowd to stay on top of what their elected officials were voting for, and who they were voting for, and to hold them accountable.  Janet Tucker spoke on behalf of KFTC, saying, "We don't need more tax cuts for the wealthy.  We need to use that money to put people to work in jobs with good wages!"

Take Action

good jobsRight now is an important time to take action to support the Local Jobs for America Act, H.R. 4812. 

Click here to send a message to your Congressperson using JwJ's handy online form!  Make sure to add your own personal message!



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