Governor Beshear, we're watching | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Governor Beshear, we're watching

KFTC Hosts Governor Steve Beshear in eastern KY, April 2011
Floyd County KFTC member Rick Handshoe and Governor Steve Beshear inspect mine runoff near Rick's house

In April, Gov. Steve Beshear visited KFTC members in eastern Kentucky to see firsthand the consequences of uncontrolled coal mining and hear from local residents about a positive vision for their communities. The governor, accompanied by his Energy and Environment Secretary Len Peters, put his boots on the ground and listened attentively. KFTC members expressed appreciation for the opportunity to share their experience and concerns. We also made it clear that Kentuckians need and expect meaningful action by this administration to protect our water and health, support an economic transition for mountain communities, and stop the destruction.

Tomorrow Kentuckians have an opportunity to do some listening of our own and to learn if the governor heard our concerns and will make a commitment to protecting our health and communities from mining damage. Secretary Len Peters is scheduled to testify before a congressional subcommittee on Thursday, May 5 at 10 a.m. about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to enforce the Clean Water Act.

The hearing creates an important opportunity for the Beshear administration to lead with vision. Will Secretary Peters help tone down the destructive rhetoric? Will he acknowledge that surface mining causes harm to our land, water and health? Will he express support for EPA’s efforts to enforce existing laws? Will he call for Congress to work with Kentucky and other central Appalachian states to support an economic transition for coal workers and communities?

ACTION: Please take a moment right now to contact Gov. Beshear about tomorrow’s hearing. Let him know that you have high expectations for Secretary Peters’ testimony. Contact the governor’s office by phone (502-564-2611) to leave a message with the receptionist who answers, or use his online email contact form by clicking here. You will need to type your message, or can use the suggested message below.

MESSAGE: Gov. Beshear, Thank you for visiting eastern Kentucky on April 7. I will be listening carefully to Secretary Peters’ message to Congress on Thursday. I urge your administration to lead with vision. Let Congress know that Kentuckians value the EPA’s role in protecting our water and health. Do not contribute to efforts by the coal industry and some in Congress to bully the EPA and prevent that agency from fully enforcing the Clean Water Act.

WATCH: The Congressional Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment will be live-streamed at 10 a.m. EDT Thursday. Click here to watch.


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