Hearing Tomorrow for the Medicaid Budget Bill | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Hearing Tomorrow for the Medicaid Budget Bill

This week, legislators on the House Appropriations and Revenue Committee are hearingchoice

testimony from advocates from many sectors about the impact of the proposed budget cuts. 

Gov. Beshear and House members want to borrow the money from next year’s budget, and to re-coup that next year by shifting to managed care. Senate Leadership wants to cut state government spending across the board, including education. A continued stalemate will mean 35% cuts in Medicaid payments to hospitals and physicians beginning April 1. None of these proposals supports a vision for a better Kentucky.

KFTC members believe there is a better and longer-term solution that needs to be on the table – revenue reform. Kentuckians shouldn't have to choose between education and community health.  Especially when good solutions are available. There's the Kentucky Forward Revenue Plan, sponsored by Rep. Jim Wayne. The Kentucky Center for Economic Policy just released a set of policies that are consistent with that plan, pointing out that Kentucky could join the 40 other states that have enacted revenue measures since 2009. It's time to tell our lawmakers: We shouldn't have to choose between education and community health. Instead, choose revenue reform.

Take Action!

Tomorrow's hearing is at 12:30 in Room 154 of the Capitol Annex in Frankfort.  Come if you can, and wear your green KFTC shirt if it's handy!

And if you can't come, call the Legislative Message Line at 800-372-7181 and leave a message for the "House and Senate Appropriations and Revenue Committees and House and Senate Leadership." Tell them that we *do* have a choice – choose revenue, and choose a better Kentucky!


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