Help say rtwaqNot Convenient, Not Necessaryrtwaq
Help say "Not Convenient, Not Necessary†to more dirty coal-burning power plants!
KFTC members are leading a campaign to stop a proposed coal-burning power plant from being built by East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC). The plant would cost almost a billion dollars to build, further pollute Kentucky's air and water, and leave us even more dependent on a dirty, dying and increasingly expensive fossil fuel.
KFTC members believe that the right direction for EKPC is to invest in energy efficiency and renewal energy and cancel plans to build the new coal-burning power plant. In fact, we have a study to prove that more jobs would be created and all energy needs met is this money were invested in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Click here to read the report.

As part of our efforts, KFTC, the Sierra Club and the Kentucky Environmental Foundation filed a formal petition this week asking the Kentucky Public Service Commission (PSC) to revoke EKPC’s approval for the proposed plant.
EKPC must receive a "Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity†from the Kentucky PSC to build its proposed plant. EKPC applied for and received the certificate for the proposed plant 2 ½ years ago. However, costs, electricity demand, technology and EKPC’s financial stability have since changed significantly, undercutting EKPC’s arguments that it still needs the plant.
KFTC members are opposed to the new coal burner for many reasons. We are calling on the PSC to revoke the "certificate of need†for two key reasons.
1.) NOT CONVENIENT: The price of coal-generated electricity has gone up dramatically. The price of other sources of electricity, including renewable and energy efficiency, make it clear that this plant is the wrong choice from the point of view of keeping bills affordable for co-op customers.
2.) NOT NECESSARY: Energy demand is down making this coal plant unnecessary. Demand for energy has decreased dramatically over the past year and will likely be significantly lower than EKPC’s forecasts for the future. This coal plant is not needed.
Take "Not Convenient, Not Necessary†Action!
1.) Send an email to Attorney General Conway and ask him to join and support our petition. The Attorney General frequently weighs in on utility cases before the PSC on behalf of ratepayers. Because this new coal plant is not the least-cost option the Attorney General should help protect co-op customers in this case by supporting our petition. Contact Conway and ask him to "join and support" our petition to revoke EKPCs certificate for the power plant.
Or call: 502-696-5300
2.) Help spread the word. Help spread the word about this campaign and put more pressure on the PSC to do the right thing and stop this coal plant. Share this blog post on Facebook. And after you send an email to Conway, forward the action on to five of your friends.
Thanks for taking action and making a difference!
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