At-Home Meetings With Legislators | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

At-Home Meetings With Legislators


Doing a great job of putting members in touch with state legislators to talk about issues they care about is a big part of what KFTC does. 

During the Legislative Session, we bring hundreds or even thousands of people to Frankfort and have a lot of contact with legislators, but often they don't have much time to talk to us.  Long, sit-down meetings are too rare and we usually end up having most of our meetings in hallways.

This is critical lobbying work, but we also want to do a better job of meeting with legislators between General Assembly sessions.

Last week, KFTC member Doug Rigsby emailed Senator Alice Forgy Kerr to set up a meeting with her.  We've tried to meet with Kerr dozens of time in Frankfort with no luck, but she responded quickly to the email and we met with Kerr this morning for about an hour. 

It was a long meeting in which we were able to get to know one-another, talk about KFTC's history and goals and do a lot of educating about our Voting Rights campaign.   

Senator Kerr, herself, thanked us for meeting us outside of the General Assembly, saying that it is often so hectic in Frankfort that it's hard to meet with constituents effectively between busy committee schedules.

For that reason, we're encouraging all of our members to think about setting up a meeting with their local KY Senator and/ or Representative.  Work with your local KFTC Organizer to coordinate the meeting and bring other members into the process too. 

You can get contact information for your local Senator and Representative on the LRC's website Here.

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