House Party Success! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

House Party Success!

Jefferson County members Summer Auerbach, Ben Evans, and George Parker hosted a fantastic house party Sunday night with an amazing spread of food, great people, and a lovely outdoor film presentation. Summer threw a house party for KFTC last year as well and is interested in doing it annually. 

 Last year, Summer said her house party had really great turn out but the crawl in was really slow. She stated guests showed up very gradually. This year was the opposite. Once 7 pm hit, POW!! there were suddenly 40 people in the room! The food was amazing and included vegetarian and bison chili, a delicious spread of cheeses, homemade sea salt truffles and bourbon balls by Summer's sister Star, a salad with Summer's grandmother Minx's secret recipe salad dressing, fresh salsa and guacamole and much more (are we drooling yet?).  Once the sun set, everyone sat around outside in the backyard and watched videos of I Love Mountains Day, Bioneers, and YERT.   Ben Evans, George Parker, and Summer Auerbach gave great testimonials on why they are members and invested in KFTC. Many people grabbed extra envelopes on the way out to recruit more members.


 The house party raised $315 with more to come in the mail by supporters who were unable to attend. Most of the crowd were already KFTC members, but despite that we gained 7 new members.  We also gained 5 new pledgers with one more potentially to come.   Eight people signed up requesting to be on the next mountain witness tour. Many asked how they could help and volunteer in the future. 


It was a great night! 





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