| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

How the Media Covered the 2012 Primary Campaign

The Pew Research Center released an analysis yesterday about media coverage in the 2012 Republican Presidential primary. 

Although much of the analysis is that the media spent more time on issues and substance than the "horse race" as compared to 2008, this graph is still extremely lopsided.


 Although campaign strategy and horse races might be as fun to talk about as any sporting event, we rely on the media to also help inform our voting decisions - in finding candidates that share our issue stances.

If there isn't substantial public space to analyze candidates based on substance and issues, then candidates that simply have the most money or most inertia tend to end up on top.

We simply cannot have a real democracy without giving the public a real opportunity to learn about issues and candidate stances - which is why KFTC is working hard right now to put together our voter guides and get them out to you in the coming weeks in advance of the May 22 primary elections. 

You can read the full report from the Pew Research Center here.

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