Introducing Russians to KFTC | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Introducing Russians to KFTC


Yesterday, Matt Heil visited a World Affairs Council meeting with KCCJ (Kentucky Conference for Community Justice) with 10 Russians from the Novosibirsk Federal District to share ideas about non-government organizations.

One of the topics was KCCJ's multi-tenant project, bringing together non-profits under one roof to share resources. 

Matt talked about KFTC and what we do, focusing mostly on our grassroots structure and strategy, as well as our focus on lobbying and holding elected officials accountable.

It was hard to get across what 'Kentuckians For The Commonwealth' meant.  It didn't translate well into Russian as a double entendre, but eventually I think they got it."

"They asked questions about corruption in non-profits and about infiltration of non-profits by the government," said Matt  "something that's been a serious problem in Eastern Europe.  I talked a lot about KFTC's grassroots approach that would make problems like that especially unlikely here."

"They were impressed by what we're doing here in Kentucky related to grassroots organizing.  I think it planted a seed in their minds about bottom-up organizing."

"I speak a little Russian, so it was fun.  I greeted them and said goodbye in Russian.  They loved it."

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