Jefferson County Mailing Party | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Jefferson County Mailing Party

   Jefferson County Mailing Party

Madison County Friendraiser invite

With Pandora set to Jennifer Hudson, a crew of 7 packed into the Jefferson County office to commence the first of many mailing parties this Fall. This mailing, sent to Madison County members, is for the Madison County Friendraiser at Union Church scheduled for October 24th at 6pm. Annually, members of the chapter gather over a potluck meal to enjoy entertainment (this year storytelling, music and more) and celebrate the victories of the past year. This event is also a great opportunity to bring someone into the fold of KFTC's work. So, if you're within the reach of Madison County and you receive your invitation, you should know that we had a great time putting those together and we all really hope you can make it out this year. If you're within the reach of Jefferson County, then you should consider this an official invitation to join the fun of mailing parties. Our next big mailing party will be November 6th all day. Interested? Send Shameka an email (shameka@kftc/org) or call us at the Louisville office (502.589.3188).

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