Join Us For An Armchair Seminar: Ky's Small-Scale Renewable Energy Potential | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Join Us For An Armchair Seminar: Ky's Small-Scale Renewable Energy Potential

Have you ever wondered just how much electricity Kentuckians could generate by using small-scale renewable energy systems, such as solar hot water heaters and home geo-thermal heating and cooling? Join us to find out!

Thursday, June 21st, 2012
7:30 -8:30 pm EDT

No RSVP necessary.

Call: 1-866-740-1260

Access code: 8931147.

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Access code: 8931147. Put this into the box that says "Participant: Join a Conference".

Rory McIlmoil from Downstream Strategies presents the findings in his report, "The Opportunities for Distributed Energy in  Kentucky." The report finds that Kentuckians could generate more than one-third our electricity needs from small-scale distributed energy technologies alone by 2025.

Unlike traditional, centralized electricity generation like coal-burning power plants, distributed energy systems, such as solar panels on homes and businesses, generate electricity in smaller amounts for use close to the source. In addition to being clean sources of power, these systems reduce the amount of electricity lost through transmission and reduce the risk of blackouts.

This "armchair seminar" is sponsored by Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance, of which KFTC is a co-founder.

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