| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Keep calling and writing for the best vote-by-mail process we can get!

TMU Voter Reg 9-17-19Kentucky's governor and secretary of state both agree, Kentuckians shouldn’t have to choose between being heard in our Democracy or keeping ourselves, our families and our neighbors safe from the pandemic. They're taken steps to make sure anyone who wants to can vote by mail on June 23, and the State Board of Elections has adopted that stance.  

This is fantastic and we need to thank everyone involved for sticking up for Democracy!

But some meaningful details need to be figured out yet and we need to keep up the pressure and support. 

Can you take a few moments to reach out to some elected officials today or tomorrow?

The big things we want to communicate are:

  1. Thank you for making it possible for every Kentuckian to vote by mail!
  2. We need to make sure the ballots are "postage paid"so that Kentuckians of all levels of income have a more equal chance to vote
  3. Drop off locations for ballots should not exclusively be at police stations.  Not all Kentuckians have had good experiences with the police and it makes sense to offer a wide range of ballot drop off locations everyone is comfortable with. 
  4. We need help spreading the word about the vote-by-mail option, particularly in lower income communities.  A state level publicity campaign about the mail-in voting process could help increase participation

You can focus on just one or mention all four. Please reach out to these officials:

Secretary of State Michael Adams
Phone - 502-564-3490
Contact Form
Or on Twitter at @KYSecState (also, feel free to use the hashtag #TogetherKy)

Governor Andy Beshear
Phone - 502-564-2611
Contact Form
Or on Twitter @GovAndyBeshear (also, feel free to use the hashtag #TogetherKy)

State Board of Elections
Phone - 800-246-1399
Email - [email protected]