Kentuckians Speak to the EPA: Sandy Voils | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Kentuckians Speak to the EPA: Sandy Voils

In our blog post yesterday, we shared with you a video of Anne Shelby talking to the EPA during their visit last week. Anne described the process her community went through to try to protect their land and water from two valley fill permits through a Lands Unsuitable for Mining petition, which the state dismissed by ignoring many of their arguments and sometimes ridiculing others. If you missed that video, you can watch it here.

Today, we want to share another voice of a community member who spoke directly to the EPA. Sandy Voils and her family, including her 7 year old daughter Madison, live beside a coal processing plant in Clay County. During the EPA’s Environmental Justice Listening Tour of Eastern Kentucky, Sandy had the opportunity to speak directly to EPA officials and show them her home.

Here's what she had to say:



Stay tuned in the coming days for more voices of Kentuckians sharing their stories, their vision, and their concerns with the EPA.

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