Kentucky authors share their writings, benefit KFTC | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Kentucky authors share their writings, benefit KFTC

Tona Barkley, John Harrod, David WagonerHouse party 976Kentucky writer Mary Ann Taylor-Hall hosted an "extraordinary literary event" at her home on Saturday to the great enjoyment of all present and the benefit of KFTC.

The pleasant evening with more than 50 in attendance included music, refreshment and readings by Kentucky writers Susan Starr Richards, Maurice Manning and Richard Taylor.

"We think there needs to be a strong and vibrant voice for advocacy," said Susan Starr Richards, who read an essay recounting an experience on her neighboring farm where she and husband Dick have raised horses. "KFTC advocates across a range of issues. It is essential to have their voice."

Richard Taylor and Maurice Manning also read from their own and others' writings.

Manning described the importance of having a relationship with the land, which moves him to support efforts to protect the land, especially stopping abuses like mountaintop removal. Taylor focused on stories of John J. Audubon while in Kentucky.

Susan Starr Richards"That we can waste one place forever to get one thing out of it … is an unsustainable practice," Manning reminded folks. "If it weren't for Kentuckians For The Commonwealth bringing attention to the issue, a lot of Kentuckians wouldn't be aware of what's going on in our state."

Music was provided well into the night by David Wagoner, Tona Barkley, John Harrod and Warren Byrom. The generosity of folks in attendance resulted in more than $2,350 raised for KFTC.


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