| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Kentucky Political Party Change Deadline - Dec 31

In 2019, Kentuckians will vote on our next Governor and in 5 other statewide races (Secretary of State, Treasurer, Attorney General, Auditor, and Secretary of Agricuture).

If you're already registered in Kentucky, Monday Dec 31 is the last day top "lock in" your political party choice for purposes of voting in May primary elections for those races or for purposes of becoming a candidate in one of those races.

The only people who will be able to vote in the May Primary Election for the Democratic candidates are registered Democrats and the only people who will be able to vote for the Republican candidates are registered Republicans.  In the November General Election, any registered voter may vote for any candidate.

To find out how you're registered right now, visit here - https://vrsws.sos.ky.gov/VIC/

To update your voter registration, start here - https://vrsws.sos.ky.gov/ovrweb/default

Additional 2019 election dates:

January 29: Candidate filing Deadline (4pm, Last day to file nomination papers for
candidates who must run in primary)

April, 22: Primary Election Voter Registration Deadline (Note that 17-year olds who will be 18 on or by Nov 5 can register by this date and vote in the primary as 17 year olds.)

May 21: Primary Election Day (Polls open 6am to 6pm)

October 5: General Election Voter Registration Deadline (Note that 17-year olds who will be 18 on or by Nov 5 can register by this date and vote in the general election)

November 3: General Election (Polls open 6am to 6pm)